Adds the current values of name, initiative, dexterity and modifier to the main list of combatants.
The initiative number of the combatant. Used for sorting. Note that this value is editable so that once a combatant is added to the main list its initiative can be changed manually and the list re-sorted. This is useful when a combatant delays or readies an action.
The dexterity of the combatant. Used for breaking ties when sorting.
The initiative modifier of the combatant. Added to the random roll when rolling initiative.
The hit points of the combatant. Can be used for tracking.
When initially pressed, displays the addend box and the = button. If pressed again, subtracts the value in the addend box from the hp value.
The number to be subtracted from the hp value.
Subtracts the value in the addend box from the hp value and hides itself and the addend box.
Catch-all for any notes about the combatant. Used for spell effect tracking or whatever.
Removes the combatant.
Sorts the combatants in order of the numbers in the Init boxes, using the numbers in the Dex boxes for tie breakers.
Puts a green border halfway around the first combatant (to mark which one is currently acting).
Puts a green border halfway around the next combatant.
Rolls initiative for the next n combatants, where n is the number in the nearby box. Initiative is only rolled for combatants that do not already have a value in the Init box. Note that n gets filled out automatically as combatants are added and when the initiative is cleared, so it is unlikely that you will ever need to type into that box.
Clears the Init box for all combatants.
Brings up the standard file open dialog and places the result in the edit box.
Reads the file named in the Browse edit box and loads the combatants in the file into the main list.
Generates XML text from the main list. This XML can be copied and pasted into a text file with the .xml extension for later loading with the Browse and Add From XML controls above. The application cannot save the file directly due to web browser security.